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We know home theater - 25th Anniversary
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We know home theater - 25th Anniversary Sale - Click for Details

Unlined Curtains

Home theater drapes without linings are a perfect curtain for to utilized in front of a home theater projector screen. We recommend you use an electric drape kit to mount your curtain so when the lights go down and movie comes on you can retract your stage curtain with a touch of a button. Home Theater Curtains are great way distinguish your theater from the rest and we can do any size curtain you want on our site. We now feature quick ship, Superior and Luxury home theater drapes in 100% fullness.

Learn About Home Theater Drapes
Watch and learn on how to measure and order home theater drapes. talks about drapes used in home theaters that bring a touch of nostalgia into your theater room. Our drape quality is unsurpassed.

Custom Theater Drape Automation
Take home theater to the next level by automating your theater drapes with BTX custom motorized tracks. recommends BTX tracks as they can handle heavy velour theatrical drapes versus the cheaper imported models. Watch BTX Tumo Excel in action.