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We know home theater - 25th Anniversary

Projector Screen Top Sellers Plus Al's Picks

Which Projector Screen should I buy for Home Theater?

By Dan, Editor

You are in the market for a home theater projector screen. You should ask yourself a few questions first. How much do I want to spend on a screen? How far is the seating area from the projector screen? What kind of screen do I want fixed, manual pull down or electric? Can the light in your theater be controlled? What is the native aspect ratio of the projector? What is the lumens of the projector? What is the contrast ratio of the projector? On this page we will outline our top sellers and we will talk about Al's picks. Who's Al? Al is the President and founder of He got his first projector screen for home theater in 1996 it was a Dalite Cosmopolitan Electrol 16:9 106" diagonal matte white with tensioning system. The screen surfaces have changed a bit since then but many of the same decision points need to be explored in the purchase of your new screen.

You can see our Projector screen guide to help with the questions above. Once you have decided on your screen you can take a look at our top sellers here and Al's top picks by category of screen. We will divide our top sellers by Fixed Projector Screens and Electric Projection Screens.

Fixed Projector Screens:

Electric Projection Screens:

I sat down with Al to ask him his top picks by category of screen.

For budgets of $1500 on up, he suggested that the Stewart Luxus WallScreen Deluxe was the best fixed screen on the market preferably with Studiotek 130 G3 fabric and the Stewart Visionary Electric the best recessed screen.

I asked him about screen fabrics. He recommended matte white for any of the lower priced screens and thinks a grey screen muddies the picture too much. He believes grey screens make the white levels look grey. He thinks the grey screen was great a few years back when contrast ratio was a problem on digital projectors. He believes that a matte white screen is fine for today's robust technology. In the higher end screens, he believes that a 1.3 gain using the StudioTek 130 G3 is the best screen surface for the Stewart brand. He did say that there are exceptions to this based on lumens and room situations. If you have questions, contact an sales consultant.